Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep.59 How To Find An Audience with Facebook Ads

Today, you’re gonna learn exactly how to find an audience with Facebook ads. You’re gonna learn the targeting that you need to attract qualified buyers and the demographic information that may or may not be important in building your audience.

Hey, there, I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author in each episode you’ll get real world practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hey, welcome back to this episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m so excited that you’re here with me. You’re gonna spend time and if you’re listening to this episode, then you’re probably interested in Facebook ads. Maybe you’ve run Facebook ads in the past, maybe you’ve like tied to Facebook ads because you’ve thrown a bunch of money at it and maybe it didn’t work. Maybe you’re successfully running Facebook ads and you need a couple of new ideas. This is gonna be for you, also make sure you listen through the very end because I’m gonna give you a Facebook ad secret that nobody knows, nobody talks about unless you’re in one of those multiple $1000 a month kind of coaching programs or unless you know how to run Facebook ads. I’m gonna teach you a secret that most marketers, most business owners do not know about Facebook ads.

As always if you haven’t watched it already, go to jilliankendrick.com/masterclass and sign up for my master class on how I get over 600 leads every single month. I teach you the entire strategy. It’s a three step three pillar strategy. It is so good and I just got done revamping like the whole thing. So it’s brand brand new and it’s beautiful and I’m so excited to be putting it out into the world. So even if you’ve watched it before go and watch it again, because there’s new stuff and it’s awesome. So when it comes to running Facebook and Instagram ads, there are a couple of things that are really, really important to keep in mind. The first is going to be the type of ad that you’re running. So when you sign up to create an ad inside of the ads manager, you’re gonna be asked to choose a campaign objective and each of these objectives will play to a different way that the algorithm is gonna work.

For example, awareness is just gonna show it to a bunch of people. Traffic is more likely to show it to people who will actually click on it. Engagement is more likely to show it to people who will like send messenger or Whatsapp or Instagram messages. Leads is much more likely to get sent to people who actively sign up for stuff. App promotion is really specifically if you have an app in the App store and you want to promote it, that’s for that. And then the sales objective, of course, is for conversions and converting sales. Each of these objectives plays to a different part of the algorithm. Each of these objectives, it’s shown to a potentially different audience or a different set of people and each of these audiences is going to cost differently.

I go over all of that in a lot more detail in my List Builder Blueprint program. If you’re interested, you can look at jilliankendrick.com/go to get more information on List Builder Blueprint.
Each different objective is going to cost a different price for the lead acquisition and each of these plays to a different part of Facebook’s algorithm. So when you’re choosing what kind of campaign to run, you need to be really careful about what campaign objective to choose. Because that ultimately will determine other settings within like your audience availability and the way that things get displayed and what shows up what part of the algorithm gets used, all of that stuff.

But then once you’re in, once you’ve selected the budget and you’ve gone through your categories and you’re, you’re selecting a few other things of like where you want the person to click on or where you want the traffic to go or where the landing pages for the lead, all of that sort of stuff, then you’re gonna get into audience and in the audience, we can choose tons of different criteria.

Like, don’t forget, Amazon is just as much a fulfillment company as it is a data mining company. Tesla is just as much a car company as it is a data mining company. Facebook is just as much of a social platform as it is a data mining company. And best believe if you use any of these and other platforms, they have data on your habits, your likes, your dislikes, things that you click on, things that you search, things you’ve been cooking for, et cetera. And so if you’ve never been inside Facebook ads, and you’ve never looked at the detail with which you can create audiences, you might be kind of scared and astounded a little bit and what you’re about to see. But the truth is like if you’re a marketer and this stuff excites you, you will be kind of awestruck and it really is amazing what they know about people, what they keep tabs on.

So under audience, you can then choose location. Don’t forget if you’re going to market to anyone in any country, especially speaking about outside the United States, you need to be aware of what marketing laws are applicable for a business in your country to market or do business in that other country.

I’ll give you an example. If you’re going to send text message, follow up to the people who opt into your landing page. There are rules and laws I believe in Europe, correct me if I’m wrong. But I believe in Europe, they have laws in certain countries that say you can only market to people via text message if they have opted in, if they have given consent and you can only do it within like standard business hours. So like 8 to 5, 9 to 5 type of thing. You cannot market to people at, you know, three in the morning, like we’ll shut your stuff off. That’s not ok. So be aware if you’re going to choose a location outside of the country or place that you normally do business, be aware of what those marketing laws, what the text message laws are, what the email marketing laws are, what the Facebook laws are.

You might depending on your, the nature of your business and what you’re doing. You might want to be aware of the culture of that country or the political climate of that country or what’s going on in that country so that you’re doing things ethically, you’re doing things morally, you’re doing things according to the law, but also you don’t want to waste your money. Marketing and sending stuff to people that aren’t gonna buy, aren’t interested or may not even be available to participate.

So once you get your location down, you can then also choose age, you can be really specific about the minimum age. You can choose an age range between, you know, let’s say 18 to 25 or 25 to 65 or has to be over 40 but under 70 right? Whatever that looks like for you, you can create that. And then languages. If you leave it blank, it’ll just go to all languages available within the country or area that you’ve chosen. You don’t have to go in and say I’m gonna market to people in France who also speak French, market to people in Germany who also speak German. I usually try and leave the languages thing blank unless I wanna specify that my content is only in English. That’s an option as well.

The next one is gonna be gender identification. As of this recording Facebook only has men, women or all. Meta ads does not have a definition or selected option or binary, non binary, et cetera. So just be aware of that again, maybe your product is applicable to someone who has a specific sexual or gender orientation. You might wanna just leave it pre-selected with all or if you do coaching specifically for female entrepreneurs, maybe you wanna choose women instead of men. It’s entirely up to you.
And then in detailed targeting. This is where it gets really, really, really cool. You can include people who match certain demographics, certain interests, certain behaviors. Let me go back to the location stuff for just a second. Not only can you choose the specific country that you’re gonna be working in, but let’s say you were a local business and you wanted to market to people only within 20 miles of your location or 50 miles of your zip code, you have that choice as well. And there’s a way to drop a pin and select, like, the exact location of where you are, where your business is, where you’re located, where the event is gonna be, right? And so you can do that plus or minus 50 miles. And so then you’ll be marketing only to those people who live within that area. And then all the other demographic information will be applicable. I want to make sure I included that.

Now back to the detailed targeting. So detailed targeting will be anyone who includes certain demographics, certain interests, certain behaviors. And there are a lot in here. When it comes to detailed targeting and when it comes to finding like points of interest. Keep in mind that if you’re looking for something that’s like on Facebook, you’re only going to find the really, really popular stuff. So if you happen to have some sort of obscure like underwater basket weaving type of interest, you’re only going to find the results or the people or interests or stuff that is like really popular.

So, for instance, with female coaches, I know a lot of really incredible brilliant female coaches that have big lists. But if you look into female coaches or you specifically start typing in the detailed targeting of like, I don’t know, Gary Vaynerchuk, Marie Forleo, Tony Robbins, those sorts of people, those are really only going to be the ones that you’ll find, you’ll find some, let’s say B level coaches that are a little less popular. But for the most part, and I don’t honestly know what the threshold is, but I’m sure that one exists. Facebook has some sort of threshold for the popularity of that thing or the popularity of the topic or the subject or the person in order to be displayed inside of the demographic interests and behaviors. And what I love too about this is so we could type in, for example, let’s say you were a florist so I can go and type in flowers. But then it’s also going to give me interests that are related to those things. So it shows me an interest in flowers, but it also shows me an interest in Brandon flowers, the artist or musician, if I just type in flower, f-l-o-w-e-r, it shows me interests in floral arrangements that their job title is a flower arranger, that their employer is flower arranging. Their field of study is flower arranging. Their interest is gardening. Their interest is weddings. Their interest floral design. Like you don’t have to know exactly the thing that you’re going after in order to, to type it in and see what’s there if you just get close. So I typed in the word flower and it gives me a ton of suggestions to look at. Curse Of The Golden Flower, which is a movie, The Chelsea Flower Show, which is a gardening interest. 1800 Flowers, which is listed as both an employer and a page. And then based on those specific things, you can then begin to build your audience. But here’s where some of the secret sauce is coming in. And I’m gonna tell you this, I should have told you that two secret things were going to be revealed today. But here’s the first and the next one is coming up. So keep listening.

As you begin to build an audience, it is important to be thinking about some of the ancillary things that can go along with that audience. Let me give you an example of that. Let’s say your ideal audience is a stay at home mom who is looking for a side hustle. Well, not only might they be interested in parenting or show their job as a parent or a mom or a stay at home mom. Not only would they be female, not only would they be within a certain age range. But think about this. A lot of parents a lot of moms out there who drive cars. I’m generalizing here, but maybe a lot of them own minivans, or maybe a lot of them own SUV’s. Not all of them certainly. But it’s something to think about.

 Where do they all shop? Depending on their income level. They might shop at Aldi, they might shop at Walmart, they might shop at Target, they might shop at Whole Foods, they might shop at Fresh Market, they might chop at Harris Teeter. It just depends on where they live, the resources that they have access to and their income level. But again, and I’m not saying I know this is all generalization, but it’s something to think about, right?

 So think about those ancillary things, thinking about those secondary and tertiary layers of interests or demographics or topics that could be applicable to your ideal audience. Somebody who likes bass fishing might also be interested in the outdoors, not just in bass fishing, right?

And then who are some bass fishing or outdoors influencers that you could find inside of that demographic or interest information that again could be applicable to your audience. And when you’re creating and adding all of these levels of detailed targeting. The most important thing that I want you to understand is these are/or statements, these are not and statements. And what I mean by that is when you add multiple things. So let’s say you add, they’re interested in plants and flowers in flower arranging, they’re interested in 1800 flowers. Their field of study is floral arranging, et cetera. These are not and statements, meaning the person that I want to add to my potential audience has to have an education of flower arranging and they have to work as a flower arranger and they have to show interest in flowers or plants. These are or statements meaning they like flower arranging or they work as a floral arranger or they have shown an interest in plants and flowers. Because when it comes to Facebook ads, this is another secret. It’s not about getting the most well defined specific sort of audience. It’s about finding the topics and the general information as much as you possibly can and then allowing the algorithm to do its job.

Then once all of your ads, creative gets together and, and you get everything with your written copy and you get all of your ad content put together. You can then also choose whether you wanted to run strictly to Facebook or Facebook.

And Instagram personally, I like running to Facebook and Instagram both, but you can do whatever you choose. And that’s how you create an ad.

And here before I let you go, this is the last, this is the third secret and the only one that I actually teased at the beginning of this podcast episode, but it’s so incredibly important and it’s something that again, tons of marketers, tons of entrepreneurs and business owners out there do not know this. So hear me out. 

Facebook’s algorithm works on multiple levels. And the two most important levels that you need to be aware of is that not only will the algorithm work on the level of the ad itself, right? Like we know that we’ve set up this demographic information, we’ve chosen the country or the location or the the area we’ve defined the targeting, we’ve included or excluded certain likes dislikes features, age, gender, et cetera. And Facebook’s algorithm is going to play to all of those things to get you the best results so that you spend more money with Facebook ads. But the Facebook ads algorithm works on a second level and that level is the actual adl account itself.

So in other words, if you’re inside of like the Meta ads manager or you’re inside of like Facebook ad campaigns, there will be a place where you can see if you have multiple ad accounts or if you have access to multiple ad accounts, you will see the different ad accounts available for you to click on. And so the algorithm will work for each one of your individual ads, but then they will also work for each ad account.

So I would not recommend, if you have a business that is specific for floral design and then you also happen to own a business or maybe a friend of yours owns a business or a family member or whoever that’s like our bass fishing example. Do not, please unless somehow you can figure out a way to market to both, do not use the same Meta ads account or both of those businesses. Use one for one and then create another separate ad account for the other business, because the algorithm works for the ad itself as well as for the ads account. And so what happens then is if you’ve ever looked at like a Facebook ad and you’ve clicked on the, why am I seeing this thing? And it says, you know, men and women in the United States over 18 and you’re like, OK, but isn’t that applicable to everybody? Yes. But what happened is that person or that business has run so many ads for so long that their ads account is so well seasoned that they no longer have to use these really specific demographic information and that the ad account algorithm just knows who they’re looking for. Now, you would have to talk to like a real Facebook ads professional to know exactly what that looks like and what the timing is and how much money you have to spend on ads or how long you have to run the ad in order to get that result. I’m sure that exists. I don’t know it off the top of my head, but I do know that the algorithm works on those multiple levels.

So be aware that if you have multiple businesses or please don’t share an ads account. But if you are, don’t let someone else run their ads to a different audience and a different topic and a different subject and a different type of product as the same one that you’re running in yours. Unless you’re using two separate ads accounts. I hope this was valuable to you. This is some incredible important stuff and like I said, a lot more detail of this information is going to be inside of List Builder Blueprint. If you want details to that, you can either sign up for my free master class at jilliankendrick.com/masterclass or to get details specifically on the List Builder blueprint program you can go to jilliankendrick.com/go.

Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of the Momentum Marketing podcast.

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The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #59
Topic: How To Find An Audience With Facebook Ads
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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