Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 56 Scalability Through Automation

My Verizon webinar was so good. I want to share some of it with you now.

Hey there, I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author. In each episode, you’ll get real world, practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hey, thanks for joining me for another episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m so glad you’re here as always. I just have to say I had a really, really good week last week. I did a big presentation for Verizon Wireless, Small Business Ready. If you’ve been listening to the podcast for any amount of time, I know that you probably signed up for it. You heard me sharing that it was coming very soon and I got to host everything on Monday. It was so good. Oh, my gosh. It was by far one of the best trainings that I’ve ever done. I’m still working to see if they will give me the video recording but if I don’t get it, I wanted to make sure that I shared some of this with you because it is so, so, so good.

So the topic was scalability through automation. If you’ve been with me on this podcast for any amount of time, you know, I am an automation expert. I’ve been in the marketing automation and sales space for, gosh, over 13 years now, I absolutely love it. I have seen with thousands upon thousands of clients and customers. I have seen the power and transformational, incredibleness of automation, what it can do inside of your business. And I was so proud, very humbled and very excited to get to present that to Verizon Small Business Digital Ready. So we had a lot of people on the webinar. It was really, really good interaction. At the end, tons of people were saying, thank you so much, best webinar, best training ever. We’re definitely gonna sign up. We’re so excited, you know, stuff like that. At the beginning of the webinar, I actually had people text in a code to my text line and they were able to see my automation in real time and I was able to get a bunch of leads from that as well, which was really, really cool.

And the big thing that I talked about was freedom. The way that so many business owners and entrepreneurs go into business for themselves. They start out with the desire for freedom and they don’t get the thing that they deserve. And how does that happen? I’m gonna share some of this webinar with you now.

There’s always this feeling of what should I focus on. Because when the chaos and the daily grind, the lack of clarity and the indecision set in it is absolutely crippling for a business owner. So you end up in what I call the spin cycle of starting, stopping, starting and stopping, starting and stopping. You’re trying to get something off the ground, but then you have to put out a fire, right? You become a firefighter. So rather than focusing on the thing that you wanted to accomplish today, now your attention is directed to the thing that you believe has to get done. Maybe you’re starting to put together new ads or new lead generation. But then an employee or a contractor calls or a client calls and you have to do their job for the day or you have to go put out that fire. The spin cycle that is keeping you stuck is often from one of these key areas.

Number one, lack of talent, you don’t have the right people or skills to do certain jobs. And so if you don’t have a person to do that job, then you end up doing it. I know that to be true in entrepreneurship. Lack of funding, you don’t have the resources to make the necessary changes in the business that you need. Lack of process, meaning you don’t have a system, a step by step process directive or outline does not exist written down on paper for a person or automated system to complete those tasks for you. And the last item of the spin cycle is lack of clarity. You become so consumed with feeling the overwhelming pressure of having to do all the things, make all the decisions, get payroll out, pay yourself eventually, hopefully, fund new ideas, hire, get projects out on time, deliverables, delegating. You feel so overwhelmed that we lose sight of taking action and it cripples you and you allow indecision to take over. Have you ever felt like that? Of course indecision takes over. Right. You’ve been there. I know you’ve been there. I’ve definitely been there. Maybe you’re there right now because when running or scaling your business feels like you’re one bad decision away from it all coming crashing down on you. It’s easy for indecision to creep up and we continue that spin cycle. Getting stuck in this idea of it has to be right or it won’t work.

I’m one decision away from it all coming crashing down. I’m searching for the right way, the right thing, the right direction, the right person, the right ad, the right offer, the right tech, the right direction. Let me share something with you that I know to be absolutely true. Right kills success. Right is the greatest threat to your business at this very moment. My aunt who’s also a business owner, she would always tell me there’s no such thing as a right or wrong decision. You just have to take the decision that you’ve made and you make it work. Which of course, as we all know to be true, but it’s hard to move past, right. And have enough courage in the moment to take a chance on the thing that, you know, you need to be doing or that needs to be done in your business to make it faster, easier, better or more profitable.

So then at that point in the webinar, I asked them to do an exercise with me, we wrote down three things that people needed to get done inside of their business and haven’t yet. Maybe they’re stuck in the spin cycle. Maybe you don’t have the right talent, the right people, the right processes, the right systems or something else is missing that’s preventing you from moving forward on all of these things. Take a minute to write down and actually you listening to this podcast episode, I would encourage you to do this exercise as well. It is so powerful.

And even if you take nothing from this episode, and I said this too on the training, even if you take nothing else from this webinar, do this exercise, write down three things that you need to get done whatever it is, you need to file your taxes, you need to hire a new contractor, you need to fire someone, you need to create documentation for a certain process, whatever that looks like, write those things down and feel free to pause this episode if you need more time.

Now, as we review the list, can you pinpoint which part of the spin cycle has you stuck and not moving forward on this three things? Is it lack of talent, having the right people or skills? Is it lack of funding and you don’t have the resources? Is it lack of process? Meaning you don’t have a system or directive or outline to do it. Or is it lack of clarity? You’re not sure how to move forward, you’re not sure how to do the thing. Because once you can pinpoint that, then you can start to outline your micros and macros for each objective to then work towards getting them done. And if you do something every day, if you take 30 minutes or even 10 or 15 minutes every single day to work towards accomplishing those goals, you will get there and I promise you’ll be better off and more successful and productive than 90% of the people out there. And when it comes to the things that you haven’t yet done in your business, they can usually fall under three different categories.

One, financial, you wanna make more money, you need working capital, you wanna sell more products or services. Number two, marketing, you need more leads, you wanna retain existing clients, you wanna create new products or services in the business. And three operational you need technology, employee management, time management, deliverables, execution. All those fall under the operational category. And here’s the good news. Automation can help you get there. Automation can help you do those things. Automation and make it possible for you to achieve and accomplish the three things that you’ve been putting off in your business for so long. And then at that point in the training I went into several examples of automation that I had built for clients. What automation is, what sort of things can be automated, different funnels and stuff that I use regularly in my business. And then at the end, of course, I pitched my automation essentials program, which is actually really, really lovely and wonderfu and if you’re interested, you can check out more at automatedmama.com/automation-essentials.

Anyway, I would love to hear from you. Was that content relatable? Was it helpful? Would you like to hear more content like that related to business, chaos to the spin cycle to doing exercises to help you grow your business? I would love to hear from you if you wanna shoot me an email. hello@jilliankendrick.com, or you can always leave a comment wherever you’re listening to this episode.

Like I said, if I can get the video to share with you, I’m gonna try my best to do that. And in the meantime, I hope you’ve enjoyed this little snippet. It was such a good training. I’m so sorry if you missed out, I will do my best to get the recording or if there’s enough demand, I’ll just do the training again because it really was that good. It was so good.

Lastly, I would encourage you if you didn’t do that exercise with me. Sit down and think of three things that you haven’t yet accomplished in your business that you still have to get done that you’ve been putting off for hours, days, months, weeks, years and then what are three things that you can do today, next week and next month to help you achieve those goals to help you get there to no longer put off those things.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #56
Topic: Scalability Through Automation
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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