Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 54 Choose Your Hard

No matter how your 2024 has started out. I want to give you some words of encouragement and a little bit of truth talk to inspire you to continue doing amazing things and working towards your goals this year.

Hey there, I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author. In each episode, you’ll get real world, practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hey, there. And as always, welcome back to another episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I think I’ve already shared this, but I’ve been doing this podcast for over a year. I love it. It is such a passion project of mine. It’s so important that I do this. It’s important not only to be a content creator and to create content that I love and to have a medium that I can do it in where I can have my hair up in a bun and I don’t have to put makeup on. I can create without having to do all of the extra steps. That’s why I love this medium and it’s so different than written word. I could sit and write all day and I’m sure a few listeners out there listen to the podcast or read the transcription inside of the blog on www.jilliankendrick.com. But it’s a much more intimate relationship for you to hear my voice, to know who I am, for us to build a relationship together, for us to spend this time together, for me to get your feedback. I love it. I’ve really enjoyed doing this so far and I’m glad that you’re on this journey with me.

Today we are talking about how your 2024 is going like, it’s middle of February, usually this is about the time of year that people either have stuck to their New Year’s resolutions. Have stuck to their New Year’s goals or they’re about ready to give up on them. And either way is OK, no judgment. I actually didn’t make any resolutions so to speak this year, I did make a whole lot of goals and I am sticking to them. I’m really excited about them. I’ll be happy to share with you. But no matter what stage, this is a little bit of truth talk, a little bit of inspiration to keep you going to build that momentum. As y’all know, that’s my word, momentum, to build that momentum in 2024.

Before we get started, I just want to remind you that if you have any feedback and if you like these episodes, if you’re enjoying the podcast, please shoot me an email hello@jilliankendrick.com. And I see all of them. I try to write back if I can and it would mean the world to me if you could leave a review on Spotify or iTunes, wherever you get your podcasts, please and thank you so much. And if you hadn’t listened to last week’s episode, first of all, it’s a really good one because I was talking about motherhood and business and how they correlate and the parallels between the two. But also if you haven’t signed up yet for Verizon Small Business Digital Ready, I am so excited that I’ve already announced and will continue to tell you that I’m doing a free webinar hosted by Verizon Wireless. Big Company, very excited all about scalability through automation. And so it’s totally free. You can sign up, just go to digitalready.verizonwireless.com and you can sign up totally for free as a small business owner, you don’t have to be a Verizon customer. I don’t think you even necessarily have to live in the United States. Maybe you do, I’ll have to find out, but you can sign up and get access to all sorts of trainings, resources, videos and even the potential to win some cash through Verizon. All completely free through their Digital Ready Small Business program. So sign up for that and I’ll see you on the webinar February 26th.

So the topic at hand and the thing that we’re gonna talk about today, man, I, so when I am planning out these podcasts, I usually try to kind of like write myself an outline or at least get my thoughts together and then I can kind of riff off of those thoughts, but I was putting this one together and was like, do I really, really wanna start out this way? A punch to the gut for every single one of us? But I think, man, I don’t know if you need this. I feel like I need it a little bit, but we’re just gonna go there and I say this with always a little bit of tough love. I’m trying to find who originally said this quote. I think it might have been Zig Zigler. It might have been somebody, I can’t for the life of me find exactly who said this quote. And it’s one of those things that’s kind of like out there in the ethos and has been said so much now that like everybody sort of has ownership of it. But sucker punched the gut. Here it comes. The quote is: “Don’t be upset by the results that you didn’t get from the work that you didn’t do.” Oh, I know, hurts my heart too. But it’s true. There’s another quote and I think I’ve shared this a couple of times on the podcast. There’s another quote that goes: “The magic you’re looking for is on the other side of the work that you’re avoiding.” And I think both of those ring true for any of us in life. You don’t have to be a business owner and an entrepreneur to have set a goal to have had a desire to have had a dream or wish and then been too afraid, too stuck, too scared, too nervous, played too small or didn’t put in the time to make that thing happen.

I don’t know if you’re anything like me. I am not a believer in manifesting. I believe that we have to see in our mind’s eye, the thing that we want in order to go get it, but I don’t believe that having it on a vision board or saying that you want it or reciting some mantra every day is the thing that’s going to bring you that success. I believe doing all of those things is part of what pumps you up to do the work, to get the thing. Manifesting in my opinion is not sitting and desiring and wishful thinking. It’s I have a vision of what I want. I have a vision of who I need to be in order to get what I want. I am Mel, I love Mel Robbins man. If you don’t listen to Mel Robbins. Go listen. She’s amazing. As she says, I am not quoting here verbatim, but she says I am frustrated enough that I want change. I am brave enough to affect that change and I am disciplined enough to make the change. And I was listening to a thing by her just the other day where she said all three of those things and you can change your life in a month, done, but you have to have all three, right? Discontent is the first necessity of progress. Man this is a real platitude. Heavy, quote, heavy episode here. Thomas Edison said: “Discontent is the first necessity of progress.” And unless you are frustrated enough about the situation and you’re done living this way or doing business this way, unless you’re brave enough. And I don’t mean having courage. I think the courage comes after you go through the experience, but you have to be brave enough to take that step to make the leap. Go read The Big Leap by Gay Hendrix. I’ve read it probably four times. It’s changed my life. You have to be brave enough to take the step and you have to be disciplined enough that when your mind’s eye can see, this is who I wanna be. This is what I want. This is the person that I have to be in order to get what I want. And these are the things that I need to do in order to be the person that I need to be to get the thing that I want and then you go do that thing, you need that discipline. And if you can have all three, as my girl, Mel Robin says you can change your life in a month, done.

So why don’t we do it? Well, first of all, it’s not that easy, right? If it was that easy, we’d all be disciplined. But I think discipline takes the muscle of delayed gratification. It is easy for anybody, myself included, to sit on a podcast, stand on a stage and say, well, you have to be ok with delayed gratification. You have to be ok with not getting that hit of dopamine or the hit of endorphins. You have to be ok with sacrificing today so that you can have tomorrow. But that’s not so easy, right? It’s not so easy when you’ve been doing it day after day, after day after day and it’s still not coming and you’re feeling the weight of all the things. And as you know this, but as I always say, every time we have these tough love conversations on this podcast or I have them with clients or I have them with my coaching students, I say this stuff to myself just as much as I am saying it to you. So this is not Jillian on her soapbox preaching down to the low human beings. This is not it at all. This is equal playing field. I struggle with this too and it’s good. I think it’s important to say that stuff and to know that stuff, to know that anybody at any level of business struggles in some way or another.

Just because I’ve achieved whatever dollar amount, whatever number of clients, whatever number of years in business doesn’t mean I don’t struggle, doesn’t mean my life is perfect. And I find that really comforting. I find it comforting to call my coach to talk to her about it and be like, yeah, I get it. I went through that too. I’m going through that right now. But I think sacrifice is so hard because we know it’s gonna hurt and because we know that success isn’t guaranteed. One of my other favorite leaders, women, entrepreneur, genius, amazing goddess woman that I love, Brene Brown, has this incredible quote. She says: “We cannot be brave with our lives if we’re not willing to show up and be seen when we cannot control the outcome.” Oh, no, that’s sinking for about five minutes. But it’s so true. Why do we not want to sacrifice? Because we know it’s gonna hurt and because we don’t necessarily know that it’s guaranteed to lead to the thing that we want.

Why do we not jump off that cliff and open up that business or do that thing? Because we know it’s gonna hurt because we know it may or may not lead to the thing that we want. And that’s where it’s scary. That’s why it’s hard. It’s not hard because of hard work. Like you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t comfortable with hard work. You wouldn’t be in business if you hated hard work. You wouldn’t have gotten to where you are today, if not for hard work. But when you know, it’s going to hurt, you know, you’re going to sacrifice, you know, it’s gonna feel and hit a little bit differently this time, no matter how hard the work is, no matter how long it takes, it hurts. It’s gonna hurt and you know it, whether you achieve it or not.

So how do we get past that? Definitely go read The Big Leap by Gay Hendrix. It is huge. It is amazing. Like I said, I’ve read it probably four times now. I read it at least once a year if not more often when I need it. And it’s a great book. I think if you’re resonating with this message now and you’re feeling that drive towards something more, but you don’t quite know how to get there. You don’t quite have that vision. The big leap would help a lot.

I also think it’s not just about the sacrifice, but it’s about the discipline. It’s about building the muscle, it’s setting the priority and saying this is what I want to achieve. This is the person I have to be to achieve it. And these are the things that I have to do to be that person to achieve that thing. So when you have that list of what you need to do, then you go and do that stuff. But it’s like building a muscle. It’s like going to the gym every day. It’s like learning a language. It’s hard to learn a language when you’re just reading and writing it. And when you’re not speaking in that language. It’s hard to make sales when you’re not promoting anything. It’s hard to get new clients when you aren’t actively marketing and looking for new clients. When you aren’t clear on the steps that you need to take the things that you need to do to achieve the goal to be the person. You’re not in limbo because you suck. You’re not in limbo because you’re a bad business owner because you’ve made bad decisions, because literally all of us have been there myself included. You’re stuck because you’re not clear. And when you have that clarity, when you understand where you’re going, when you know who you need to be and what you need to do to be that person, then you build that muscle and you stay disciplined enough to make those things happen for yourself.

I’ll leave you with this last thought off my soapbox. Choose your hard, staying stuck and being miserable is really hard. Taking the leap and going for something new is really hard. Being overweight and carrying that around this hard. Staying fit when your body wants to return to homeostasis and not be that size anymore, is hard. Exercising every day is hard. Running a business is hard. Having Children is hard. Living life without Children when you want them, it’s hard. Choose your hard because if you have to live those 24 hours anyway, every single day and it’s going to be hard, no matter what. Choose your hard. Choose your hard. Thank you for being with me. So much love to you. I’ll see you in the next episode.

Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. If listening to this has brought you value, improved your life or given you insight on how you can build your own momentum, then please share this with a friend. And if you’re ready to grow your business on autopilot, then I want to help you get there easier and faster with a free copy of my entrepreneur’s survival kit. Just leave a review of this podcast wherever you’re listening right now. Hopefully, it’s a five star review and you love it, then screenshot the review and email the screenshot to hello@jilliankendrick.com Once we confirm the review, we’ll send you a copy of the survival kit totally free. Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you on the next episode.

All content is written and recorded by Jillian Kendrick Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #54
Topic: Choose Your Hard
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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