Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 50 Your Personality Brand

If you want to create a business or brand with raving fans, you need to be injecting more personality into your business. Here’s how to do it, or on this episode, I’m gonna give you a few ideas on how to do exactly that.

Hey, there, I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author In each episode you’ll get real world practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, if you’re in the right place.

Hey, friend, how are you? I’m back with another episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. And actually today is the normal day that you listen to the podcast every week, but this is not my normal recording day. Like I usually, if I can stick to my schedule, well, I usually have like a very specific day or time slot because I remember in the last episode, we talked about time blocking. I usually have a very specific day and time slot that I record podcast episodes. But today I’m sitting here working on a new webinar getting some things done. I’m actually going through, I had to go through some old notes to find what I needed to finish this webinar. And while I’m going through, I saw a post-it that I wrote. Who knows how long ago, talking about a playful business. And I just was so inspired by this idea that I had to stop everything, jump on the old recorder and share my thoughts with you.

So today we are talking about how to inject more life, more personality, more of you, more playfulness into your business into your brand that will help you create raving fans, grow your list, get more engagement, more followers, more likes, more of all the things that all of us are looking for right? Before we dive into all of that. I just want to say as a reminder that if you haven’t finished the three levels of email compliance again, like we’ve been talking about for the last couple of weeks, then you need to do it and you need to do it now. There is only so many days left before February 1st 2024. And I’m telling you this is serious stuff, Google, Yahoo Microsoft, they all have the power to program their algorithm to block any emails that they don’t want in their servers. And I know that that’s like technical speak. But hear me out if you’re not authenticated, if you’re not sending the right kinds of emails. If you’re not sending engaging emails, they will block you and your absolute first line of defense aside from doing all the best practices, aside from not sending spammy garbage, not sending Clickbait, aside from all of that stuff and some of it, I actually teach in List Builder Blueprint aside from that, your best and first line of offense is making sure that you’re authenticated because it’s not about your best line of defense. You’re not defending anything. It’s the offense, right? It’s, you’re trying to score that touchdown. You’re trying to get into the inbox, you’re trying to make those sales and if you aren’t authenticated, they’re gonna block your emails, period. It’s not personal or not against you. I’m sure Google doesn’t have a vendetta against any one person in particular, but they will block your emails if you aren’t authenticated and the best line of offense is for you to make sure that you are authenticated. So grab your copy of Inbox Success, go to automatedmama.com/authentication and you can grab your copy there.

So, back to the idea of a playful business. There are multiple places and really in everything in every piece of content that you put out, but there are a couple others that a lot of people wouldn’t think of necessarily and we’re gonna talk about those today. So I think the obvious places that you can inject your personality into your business would be stuff like content. If you have a podcast, like I do, if you create social media content, if you put out videos on Youtube, anywhere that you’re creating content, written, video, audio, whatever it is, you can obviously inject your personality into those things. And you should be, because people don’t buy from businesses, people buy from people, they buy because of trust ultimately and whether it’s trust in a corporation because they’ve seen a brand, right? How many of us go down the soda aisle and buy Coca Cola before we buy the Sam’s Club brand or the Walmart brand or the Good & Gather brand. Plenty of people do it and it’s not necessarily because Coke is all that much better. It’s certainly more expensive, but they do it because they trust the brand because they’ve seen the brand, they have brand recognition. And where there is trust, there is buying opportunities and there’s sales opportunities. So to build that trust as a personal brand, as a business brand, you need to show up more authentically and your content is one of the best places to do that.

But there are other places that you can do that too. So let me give you an example. This is kind of a techie thing, but I love that stuff. So let’s go there. Inside of a website you have something called a 404 page and a 404 page is really just an error page or like a page not found. This is a great place for you to inject some of your personality and inject a next step for your listener, your reader, your subscriber. Because if they go to a page on your website and they’re clearly looking, searching, clicking for something, but they go to a page that doesn’t exist. Well, you don’t want to leave them hanging. Right. We want to deliver the best possible user experience that we can. Not only for our subscribers and the people who have already paid us money, but we want to do the same thing for the prospective clients or their prospective students or the prospective members because these little things give them kind of a micro experience of what it’s like to do business with us, how we’re going to take care of them and imagine this, if we take such great care of them when they haven’t paid us any money, they’re going to think. Wow. Imagine the care that I’ll get when I do actually pay for something, right? That’s the brand that you should be striving for. That’s the experience you should be working towards and interjecting your personality, your playfulness, your seriousness, whatever that looks like for you, you can do that on a 404 page. So again, 404 page is where the page doesn’t exist or the content that they’re looking for maybe doesn’t exist or isn’t there anymore? This can include broken links, this can include deleted blog posts, deleted pages, deleted affiliate links, anything like that.

If somebody goes to a 404 page, they usually kind of bounce off and, oh, well, I couldn’t find the thing. And maybe, maybe if you’re lucky, they’ll take the next step for themselves and they’ll email tech support or they’ll email you or they’ll hit reply to your email and say, hey, I couldn’t find that page. I was really looking for that blog post or whatever it was. But what if you take it a step further? What if you had a branded 404 page that had like a video on it? We actually do this. We did this on my website and I loved it. I made just a quickie little video with like a shocked face that I kind of stood there for a second with my shocked face and then said something to the tune of, hey, like you landed on a page that doesn’t exist. Like I’m so sorry, you know, if you’re looking for this, it’s at this link. If you’re looking for that, it’s at that link. If you’re looking for other stuff, there’s links below this video to resources that you might be interested in or if that’s still not what you’re looking for. Email me here, I just made it fun and I allowed them to see me and to have an experience with me without it taking up a whole lot of my time whatsoever. I just made a video and sent some resources off to my web designer. But I also gave them a next step. I also gave them an opportunity to continue to interact and engage with me to find the thing that they were looking for and an opportunity for me or any member of my team to help them if the thing that they were looking for wasn’t one of the items that I had listed because that’s what matters to me is taking care of people and giving them the best possible experience. So that’s one example of a place that you might not think of, that you can inject some of your personality, you could make a video, it could be a written text.

I saw a great one for Mint Mobile that was a 404 page and of course Mint Mobile was formerly owned by Ryan Reynolds and I think the 404 page said like, oh F word, we messed up something like that. It was really funny and it very obviously injected or, and it very obviously had that sarcastic tone that Reynolds is well known for. I really got a kick out of seeing that page. Another place that you can put some personality that you might not think of is inside of like the bottom of your email where there should be an unsubscribe link. I think mine says something like, oh man, please don’t push this button. I’m really gonna miss you. And it’s true like I will miss interacting with you if you unsubscribe. If you do like, that’s your choice, that’s totally fine if we don’t gel together anymore, like no hard feelings, but it was just another place to have a little bit of fun and inject some personality there so you can do that as well.

And the third one would be text messages. SMS messages, they don’t have to be cut and dry. So for instance, if someone signs up for an on boarding call or a sales call or something with me, they’ll get reminders via email and text message, but the text message isn’t dry and boring, it doesn’t say, oh, hey, first name, I’ll see you on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Here’s the link to the meeting. It says something way better and more interesting than that. And that’s just another place that you can add your personality, add your influence, showcase who you are, showcase what you’re about. If you like to cuss, add some cuss words, if you’re more serious and reserved, right. In that way, I find this to be true a lot. Not just in the examples that I’ve shared so far, but having worked with clients doing email marketing for over 13 years now, there seems to be this like weird, I don’t know, weird thing that when somebody sits down to write an email and they’re just they’re not quite comfortable in their own skin or they don’t yet know exactly what their personality, what their brand is. They sit down to write an email and it’s like they turn robotic, but no one wants to read a robotic email.

They wanna see you, they wanna see your personality, they wanna have an experience with you through that text, through the video, through the audio and it’s your job as the business owner or the marketer to give them that and to find ways to include your personality here or there. A great exercise, if you aren’t quite familiar with, like yourself, your personality, your style, you want to know what that is. Go to Chat GPT and actually, you can find all of this inside of my Ultimate AI Formula. You can grab that at automatedmama.com/ultimate-ai-formula and I walk you through the steps. But basically you would just take stories and anecdotes or things that you’ve written and stuff that you’ve worked on, upload that into Chat GPT and then ask Chat GPT to summarize your writing style and it’ll come back with, you know, professional but casual and quirky or, you know, stuff like that. And it will give you a summary of the way that you are as a writer. And if you agree with that personality and you like what Chat GPT had to say, then you use that for your prompt for your next piece of content. Again, all of that is outlined in the Ultimate AI Formula. And if you don’t like it, you figure out a way to change it. But at least then you’ve learned what the system, at least, then you’ve learned how the system interprets your body of work. I love it. That’s all I’ve got for today. Like I said, this is kind of an impromptu episode.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Make sure that your emails are authenticated, go and do it now at automatedmama.com/authentication and I will see you on the next episode.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #50
Topic: Your Personality Brand
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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How I Add 600+ New Email Subscribers to My List Every Month

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