Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 46 Why I Hate “Bro” Marketers

This is how and why you should avoid sleazy bro marketers.

Hey there, I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author. In each episode, you’ll get real world practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hey there, I’m Jillian Kendrick back for another episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I am so excited to have you with me today. I am feeling really good actually, I’m having a really good hair day so I know you can’t see me. But yeah, I’m having a really good hair day, so I feel great about that. Anyway, I hope you’re having an amazing day too. And this episode is more of a response episode, I suppose. I got an email from someone that I don’t know, who by the way is not on my list and not subscribed to me, but somehow found and made it onto my website. And as they were looking through my homepage, they decided there was something about my homepage that they didn’t like, like, I don’t take offense to it. It’s just one person’s opinion. Right? But I wanted to clarify what I mean by this part of my website and really talk about the foundation or one of the foundations of how I do business and why and what’s important to me. And if it resonates with you then stick around and that’s amazing. And if you disagree, then there’s probably 100 million other marketers out there that you can go and follow. And that doesn’t make me sad. So the part of my website, if you scroll down about, I would say about a thirdish, almost halfway down. You’ll see a picture of me and it says, hey, there, I’m Jillian and I’m a mama wife, an entrepreneur, a business strategist and an automation expert. All true. I love teaching blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And what I do is not luck. It’s systems, 100%. I believe in that. Absolutely and thoroughly. I have spent the last 13, almost 14, yeah, 14 years of my life dedicated to automation, marketing automation, business systems and processes. And I have seen with thousands upon thousands of clients over the years, I have seen the incredible and transformative power of how systems can be leveraged in somebody’s business. Which is why I have an expertise in that subject because I know that it can be much more impactful than a lot of other things or a lot of other hype out there, because I know from experience that building an automated system is a whole lot better. And in my opinion, easier than like dancing on tiktok or learning how to recite stuff on, on Instagram with voiceovers. Just one girl’s opinion. That’s ok.

So the other part, the part that this, I got this email about and that this person didn’t particularly like, was a part where it says it’s not like it’s systems with ease, no sleeves, no bros, big goals. So I wanna break that down because I think the bro part was the thing that this particular person had an issue with because they claimed that I am like a hyper feminist and like an anti men which which again, as just one person’s opinion, I find it funny at this point and it was definitely not my intention in writing this. And not that anybody but me really, really cares, but I wanna clarify. So there’s four parts to this, right?

With ease comes from my fundamental belief that if you’re going to do something, it should be as easy as possible, it should be made as easy as possible, it should be as simple as possible. And my job as the marketer, my job as your guide, my job is the person who puts together these trainings and puts together courses as the person that gives you the advice and the know-how and shares my experiences good and bad with you, the listener. It’s my job to take something really complex and difficult and make it as easy for you to understand and consume. So that’s what with ease means is, it’s my job as your guide, as your marketing person to go out there and make things as easy as possible to take something really complex, like code or like email authentication or compliance or contracts or software or Facebook ads or half a dozen other things and make them as easy and as simple for you, the business owner to understand and to take advantage of in your business. So that’s where with ease comes from.


The second part. No, sleaze. I don’t bullshit people. I’m not going to lie to people. I’m not going to overly exaggerate something just to get you to buy. That’s not me. I don’t need your money that badly. My job is to serve, my job is to educate, my job is to inform. Yes, I need to make money doing it. But the sacred exchange of money can only occur and exist in its truest and purest form when there is a genuine exchange. If you give me money and I give you nothing, then that’s not an exchange. If I give you the farm and you give me nothing in return, then that’s not an exchange either. The sacred exchange of money for time, money for information, money for benefit, goods for labor. Well, like, right, like whatever it is it needs to be mutual and that’s why it’s so sacred. So, for me, if I’m sounding the alarm, like I have been about the Google and Yahoo compliance stuff, I’m sounding the alarm genuinely because it really is a big effing deal and they will shut you down, period. So, when I sound the alarm, it’s very, very serious. I am not a Clickbait sort of marketer. I know how to write that stuff. I know plenty of other marketers who are far more successful than I am, who do that sort of stuff and that’s fine and I might write like a teaser or something here and there, but I’m not gonna bullshit you, period. Like that’s just not me. I don’t believe in doing business that way. So when you buy a course, you’re going to get your value or much, much more for the course that you buy. When you work with me. If you come on board as an agency client, you’re going to get so much more value than the money that you spend. If you attend one of my live events or masterminds, you’re going to get so much more value than the time and money that you spend because that’s the way that I believe the sacred exchange works and that’s how I believe in doing business. So with these no sleeves, let’s go to the next part.

The next is no, “bros”. And I specifically put quotations around the word bros because of this, this is what I mean. So when I talk about bros, I’m not talking about men. I’m not even talking about gender specifically or necessarily. I mean, they’re mostly guys, but I’ve seen women do this too in the marketing world where you’re scrolling through Facebook or Instagram or you see a Youtube video or you see a linkedin Post or you see a TikTok and they immediately just start screaming and yelling at you and they’re talking super duper fast and they’re like really in your face and, and like yelly, screamy gross. Just that’s what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about men or gender specifically. I’m talking about you scroll through Facebook and up pops an ad with some person in like a white t-shirt rolling up in a Lamborghini that they probably borrowed or rented from somebody else just so that they can get your attention. And so you keep watching so that they can then market to you or retarget or try to get money out of you or try to get your attention. Like that’s what I’m talking about. I’m not here to be yelly and screamy. I definitely want your attention, but it’s my job to give you value and to give you information that is worthy of your attention. Not necessarily give you cheapy gimmicky bullshit that commands your attention but doesn’t actually deserve it. So when I talk about no, bros. I’m not talking about being anti men or being such, like a polarized feminist that I don’t like men or something like that. Like, that’s ridiculous. I love men. Most of them. A lot of them, there’s some really incredible guys that I have worked with as clients that have worked on my team that are colleagues and very, very dear friends of mine who I frequently tell them, I love them in a platonic sort of way because I do like they’re incredible human beings and I love them, not just because they’re men, but because they’re genuinely good humans. So when I talk about “bros” in quotations, I’m not talking about the gender or sex of male. I’m talking about the sleazy, yelly, screamy, attention grabbing, borrow somebody else’s Bentley just for show. Like I’m talking about that person. Unfortunately, that gets a lot of attention, but it doesn’t provide a whole lot of value. What it does create is NV, it creates desire, it creates interest, but it really doesn’t provide value and that’s what my job is. So that’s why I am anti, quote unquote, “bro”. I am anti those people, male, female, gender, non binary, I couldn’t care less. You know, you’ve, if you have been in the marketing world for any length of time, you’ve seen those ads, you’ve seen the screamy in your face. Hey, look at me. Hey, I’m gonna grab your attention. Hey, I’m gonna talk really fast and you gotta listen to me and this is what I want. I hate those people. Not that I hate them. I don’t hate anybody but man, that stuff just irks me. It irks me so much and it’s not valuable. It gets attention, it commands your attention, but it doesn’t deserve it. And that’s what I hate. So when I talk about bros, it’s not gender, it’s not sex. It’s that type of marketer that I don’t wanna be.

And then the last point is big goals. Now this for me comes from a couple of places, but most importantly, it goes back to knowing what my role and knowing what my job is, my job is to provide you value, whether it’s videos, training, education information to help you achieve those big goals and big dreams that you have doing it with ease, making it easier on you doing it without sleaze, never lying to you not being in your face and flashy like a bro marketer like we just talked about and understanding that you have things that are important to you that you want to achieve. Things that are non tangible, things that are immeasurable, that are important to you and, and that I share in that conviction and that we’re aligned in that way because that helps me provide you with the best information possible for you to make those important decisions so that you can achieve those goals. So that’s what with ease, no sleeves, no “bros”. Big goals really ultimately means to me. 

Before I let you go. I want to touch base on one more thing you have until February 1st. So just a couple of weeks to make sure that all of your email compliance is where it needs to be, that you’ve set up your DKIM, DMARC, SPF records that you’ve done them in the right order that you’ve set them up correctly, that you’ve tested that they are set up correctly. And if you haven’t done it yet, then I want you to join me for Inbox Success. You can grab your copy right now for only $297. It’s an absolute steal. I walk you through step by step with ease. Of course, every single step that you need and all of the settings to make sure that you are email compliant by February 1st. If you’re listening to this after February 1st and you want to redo your settings or change something or add a new system, this is also going to teach you how to do that. So not only am I going to show you how to set everything up for February 1st 2024 but then if you need to change or adjust or redo or how to remove a new or old system, I’m gonna walk you through every single step to make that happen and you will get lifetime access to this program. So anytime that it gets updated. You will get access to those updates and you can make the changes as necessary and I will email you when you’re a member of Inbox Success you will get an email from me if there are any kind of compliance updates or changes so that you know to be proactive and you’ll get the updated training for life. So it’s a really good deal. Grab it now, only $297 you can grab your copy at www.automatedmama.com/authentication.

And then as always, if you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to email me at hello@jilliankendrick.com.

I will see you in the next episode.

Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of the Momentum Marketing podcast. If listening to this has brought you value, improved your life or given you insight on how you can build your own momentum, then please share this with a friend. And if you’re ready to grow your business on autopilot, then I want to help you get there easier and faster with a free copy of my entrepreneur’s survival kit. Just leave a review of this podcast wherever you’re listening right now. Hopefully, it’s a five star review and you love it, then screenshot the review and email the screenshot to hello@jilliankendrick.com Once we confirm the review, we’ll send you a copy of the survival kit totally free. Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you on the next episode. All content is written and recorded by Jillian Kendrick Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #46
Topic: Why I Hate “Bro” Marketers
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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