Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 45 My favorite Christmas Potato Recipe!

I don’t know about you, but I really am excited about the holidays and Christmas and like everything coming up and if you’re anything like me and you’re probably gonna do all the cooking or maybe you just want to bring a side dish that’s really, really good to like a Christmas party or a potluck or get together. This is my scallop potato recipe that I have personally developed and come up with by trial and error looking at lots and lots of scallop potato recipes over the years and I want to share it with you because it’s freaking awesome.

Also, I have made this and multiple other potato dishes for like my mom’s club group get-togethers and other potlucks and stuff and every single time it’s always a hit and everybody wants the recipe. So this is for you.

So to start off ingredients wise, get yourself a 5 pound bag of russet potatoes just like a good baking potato. Not anything too hard, like not the reds, not the yellows, just like a good solid like Iowa Russet potato because you want them not to be mushy, but you really want them to be soft. Whereas the reds tend to like have more starch and kind of stay a bit harder. So get a 5 pound bag of russet potatoes, get at least a 16 ounce jar or can of heavy whipping cream. You can use double cream. You can use half and half. I like heavy whipping cream. You might even splurge for like the 32 ounce, but you definitely won’t use all of it. Next, you’re going to need a block of some really good Gruyère cheese, like at least six ounces, maybe eight or 10. But a really good solid Gruyère cheese, preferably from Switzerland, if you can get it. The one I use it from Walmart. It’s from Switzerland. It’s amazing. It’s delicious. It’s nutty, salty, chewy, so good.

Next, you want to get a bag of grated cheddar cheese. You can buy the block and grate it yourself. I don’t personally care. And I like sharp cheddar. Don’t go for the mild stuff. Like get the good stuff and you want at least 16 ounces, maybe even a little bit more. You’re gonna need at least 2 to 3 yellow onions or sweet onions. A little bit of nutmeg, which you can then grate on if you’re into like the fresh nutmeg movement or I just use the one out of the can. Two sticks of butter, some freshly grated garlic. If you’re like me and you put three spoonfuls of garlic into every recipe and a little bit of parsley or like an herb for some color.

So, here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna get a big baking dish, like one of those 11 by whatevers. Get a nice big, big big baking dish and we’re going to layer. So first I want you to cook the onions. So chop up the onions. However you like, you can dice julienne. I just like to chop them up really finely. Get your two sticks of butter, maybe even a little bit of oil because the oil has a higher burning temperature, little bit of oil, two sticks of butter and sweat down and like cook down your onions. You don’t want them to be caramelized, but they need to be translucent and very fragrant and cooked all the way through and yummy. But you don’t want them to have like a lot of color. You know what I mean? You want that translucent kind of white oniony look to them. And then if you want the garlic, some people don’t want garlic in their scallop potatoes. I love it. So throw in some garlic, kind of about five or so minutes before the onions are done cooking. Don’t throw the garlic in early because onions take a long time to like sweat down and really cook out well. And if you throw the garlic in, it’s just gonna burn.

You probably want your sauce pan on like medium-ish and this is gonna be a 20 to 30 minute process if not longer just cooking down the onions. So once your onions are good, your cheese is all grated. Get out your salt and pepper and here’s what we’re gonna do with our baking dish. You can line the baking dish. I don’t spray mine down because we have so much like butter and other stuff that’s going into this that you don’t really need it. But what you’re gonna do is start out with a layer of, of your heavy cream. You just want enough heavy cream to kind of coat the bottom of the pan. And then you’re gonna do a layer of potatoes. They don’t have to be exactly the perfect layer. You can just kind of dump in a layer. Once you dump that in, it’s your salt and pepper and salt and pepper to taste over your potatoes. And then you’re gonna layer on some of your onion mixture or your onion and garlic mixture. Layer on a little bit of that Gruyère cheese. You can even layer in some of the cheddar. If you wanna mix in the cheddar, I usually leave most of it for just the top, but you can mix some of it in, that’s totally cool and makes it really good and salty. And then a tiny dusting of nutmeg and your potatoes, by the way, are raw at this point, the only thing that’s cooked or is your onion and garlic and then you repeat the process. So on top of all of that layer on another bunch of the heavy cream to kind of coat everything. Layer on some potatoes, get your garlic and onions, do the salt and pepper. A little bit of nutmeg, a little bit of cheese and then layer layer, layer, layer layer until it’s done. If you’re like me and at Christmas time came and you did too many layers. I had to put a big cookie sheet underneath my pan because it kept spilling over and our oven was just disgusting, but that’s ok because it turned out. Oh man, this dish is so good. I ate potatoes for days after this. So then once you have all of your layers and everything is done, then wrap or top your baking dish with aluminum foil and you’re gonna bake that at 375 for an hour. 

You have 5 pounds of potatoes here that all have to cook. They’re all raw. You got a lot of baking time to go. So it’s gonna be a solid hour, maybe even an hour and 10 depending on how hot your oven gets. Then once that’s done and your potatoes are fork tender or relatively close. Take it out, unwrap it, pour on your cheddar cheese, top layer, pour on some of the parsley for color or you could even wait for the parsley till the end of it. That’s fine.

Put it back in the oven for another 20ish minutes to finish cooking, melt the cheese, get everything nice and ooey gooey. It is literally the greatest potato dish you will ever have. It’s amazing. I wish you the happiest of holidays. I hope you had an amazing 2023. I’m excited to see you and be a part of your journey in the new year.

God bless you.

I’ll talk to you soon.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #45
Topic: My Favorite Christmas Potato Recipe
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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