Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 41 Last-Minute Black Friday Promo

If you think you’ve missed out on running a Black Friday promotion, you haven’t, you’re gonna wanna listen to this one.

Here is my last minute Black Friday Strategy.

Hey there. I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author. In each episode you’ll get real world, practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hello there and welcome back. Happy Thanksgiving Week. If you’re anything like me, you’re like, you know, now there be 1 ft in the door with working and kind of 1 ft out ready for the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. Ready for a day off on Black Friday, ready for kind of a long weekend, I think. I don’t know. Does anybody else feel this way? Like 2023 was hard, man. I’m grateful I have learned so many important, valuable hard lessons, but 2023 can be done. I’m over it. I’m ready, ready for bigger, better things. But we do still have to finish out the year. We still have to run our businesses and we still have to make as much progress as we possibly can from now until the end of the year. For you that might mean hiring a new person for you, that might mean firing a team member. For you that might mean creating a new webinar or a new product For you that might mean launching your very first Facebook ad and relating to the topic of today’s episode, it might mean launching your Black Friday campaign. So hear me out, Black Friday is literally this week, it’s just a couple of days away, but you’re not too late, you’re not too late to the game. Sure. In a perfect world, I would send out a couple of emails last week, prepping people for the launch or the sale that you’re gonna be having this week. But ultimately, is it like absolutely necessary that you did all of the prep work? No. Can you still make money on Black Friday with your business? Yes, absolutely. And if you have an automated business, like I do, if you can set things up to run on autopilot, like I teach all of my students inside of List Builder Blueprint inside of the Ultimate AI Formula, inside of Social Ads Accelerator and some of my other programs. You can totally still do this this week and make it happen. It is not too late for you to run a Black Friday promotion. So let me give you a couple strategies to make that happen.

Strategy number one, pick an existing product, software, offer, promotion, pick something that you already have. You already know the ins and outs of that product. It already exists. You’ve maybe sold it before or maybe you even haven’t sold it. Like that’s totally fine. But pick an existing product. Right now at the 11th hour is not the time to go create new things. And if you don’t have a product to offer, maybe you just offer a one on one, or maybe you offer like a Slack Channel or a Facebook group or Boxer Support or a Facebook messenger group where people can ask you questions and get answers. You can sell things that you don’t need to put all that much effort into, as long as people see the value. Period. That’s it. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It doesn’t have to be long. It doesn’t have to be cheap or expensive. They just have to see the value of it. So pick an existing product, offer something that you already have or can create very, very, very, very easily and quickly. I like the Slack Channel and Boxer support idea if you don’t have something set up yet, but pick a product that already exists. Pick an offering that already exists. Now is definitely not the time to go down the deep rabbit hole of creating a massive launch and product when we’re already in the week of Thanksgiving and already getting this close to Black Friday.

Strategy number two, you wanna pick the type of promotion that you are going to run. For the most part when it comes to Black Friday, especially everyone kind of expects you to be offering a discount. Now, you could offer a discount that’s super easy, whether it’s 10% off, 50% off, 20% off. It doesn’t really matter, again, as long as they see value. And as long as you are creating that level of Black Friday urgency, you can sell just about anything at any price point. You just wanna look at your positioning. So the type of promotion that you’re gonna be running is really important. You can sell something at a discount, you can add other bonuses, other features, other things that come with it that you wouldn’t normally offer. That’s another really great way to build urgency, is to say, hey, I’m selling this product, but I’ve updated it and it’s only being offered on Black Friday or hey, I’m offering this program, but I’m including these two extra bonuses that I don’t normally sell and you can’t get anywhere else and you can only get it on Black Friday, right? That’s a great way to build a couple of different types of urgency within your offer so that people understand you mean business, you’re not gonna offer this at any other time or point if they wanna get the thing or the bonus or the discount or the special, whatever, they need to do it now.

Strategy number three. Whatever type of promotion you decide to do, whether it’s discounting, adding more features, adding bonuses, yadda, yadda. Whatever you decide to do, it doesn’t really matter, but you need to stick to the promotion. So let’s say you offer a 50% off discount in one of your products or programs, come Saturday, or maybe you have it through Cyber Monday or the weekend, it doesn’t matter. But come Saturday the day after Black Friday or come Cyber Monday, that discount needs to go away. You need to show your customers that you mean business, because if you come out with a promotion, you build that sense of urgency and then you just kind of say like, well, you know, whatever, if you email me on Tuesday, it’ll, whatever we’ll give you the discount, it’ll be fine. You’re not giving people a reason to buy now. And the only reason that people buy something is because they need it now. We have had a drafty garage door for years and every time I open the garage door and it squeaks a little bit. I’m like,, well, whatever we’ll like, we’ll get to that eventually or like a tiny bit of rain dribbles in and it’s not that big of a deal, but the day that the pulling mechanism of our garage door broke and I could no longer get my car out of the garage and I was stuck inside of my house, that created an immediate sense of urgency for me to not only fix the pulling mechanism on the garage door, but hey, while this guy is here, can you please also look at, you know, the draftiness? And so it wasn’t until I had an immediate need that I took action on that particular thing and it’s just, it’s human nature, right? If you listen to Donald Miller, our brains are programmed to do two things, keep us alive and expend as few calories as possible to accomplish anything. So it’s not necessarily that we’re lazy. It’s that we’re efficient. I don’t have to spend time. I don’t have to spend energy. I don’t have to spend money on that thing right now. And so then it gets put on the back burner. If that’s the case with the offers that you’re making and you’re not building a strong enough sense of urgency and then sticking to that sense of urgency and sticking with the promotion that you’re making. You’re leaving tons of money on the table and you’re going to lose customers because they’re going to lose faith in what you’re saying. So if you have a 50% off promotion or a couple of bonuses that will only last through Black Friday, you better make it so that, you know, your landing page, your sales page, your offer, your bundle, whatever that looks like, that that goes away as soon as you know, 12:01 on Saturday morning. You better mean business. Will a couple of people be upset that they didn’t take advantage of the promotion? Sure. They might, they might email you and say, hey, can I still buy this and then you can decide on an individual basis if you wanna sell it to them at that price, but they’ll know that you mean what you say and then the next time you go and offer something, they’ll know you mean business and that they can only get that special offer for that period of time.

Strategy number four. I like to call this, shout it from the rooftops. You wanna make sure that whatever you decide to sell, whatever your promotion is, you are putting that out in every social avenue that you have. So, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, email marketing, text message, marketing. Maybe you wanna run an ad. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it because ads right now are really expensive, but they’re definitely cheaper overall in 2023 than they have been in previous years. So why not? Five bucks a day? Go for it or create a custom audience based on your existing email list and run a five or $10 a day ad for a week. I love it. That’s an amazing idea. But make sure that whatever you do you are shouting it from the rooftops and you are putting it out every single day, if not multiple times a day to all of the channels that you have available to you. And why do I say that? Because we can hear something once, right? Like we know what our program or our product is and that’s fine. We’re familiar with it. Your customers aren’t. Your list isn’t. And your list is being inundated with other offers and other promotions and other people and come by this big screen TV at Target or Walmart for, you know, 80% off that nobody needs. So not only is it going to still take those like 12 to 15 touches for them to even realize that you have an offer, but it’s going to take even more for them to consider buying your offer and then you tenex that by the fact that you’re also competing with Macy’s and Target and Walmart and Kate Spade and, and all of the other businesses out there in the world that are marketing to people on Black Friday. So even if it’s gonna make you feel like you’re a broken record saying the same thing over and over again on multiple channels. And no, no, no, no, I promise you, your audience in your list isn’t gonna feel that way, because you can put out 30 pieces of content on multiple channels and they might see it twice. I just found out a colleague of mine was speaking at a digital summit and it happened like 2.5 weeks ago. And why did I not know this? Because she posted once on Facebook and I only just got the Facebook notification like a day or two ago. And at first I saw it and responded, oh, Janet, this is amazing. You’re gonna smash it. That’s fantastic. And then I stopped myself for whatever reason, I looked at the date of her posts and the date that this virtual summit was coming up. Sure enough, it happened two weeks ago and this is the first time that I’m aware of, that I saw she was going to do this thing. Your audience doesn’t see every message you put out there and your messaging and marketing is like a river. Imagine, I love this analogy. I’ve used this so many times. Imagine your audience is standing on the bank of a river and every time you put out a message or post on TikTok or post on Facebook or run an ad or put a Youtube video up there, it’s like dropping a little boat like a little toy boat into the river. But as soon as that boat crosses the path of the person standing on the bank of the river, it keeps floating down the river. And that person, if they didn’t see it in that moment, has missed it. Say that they are looking at the trees, say that they’re looking at somebody else’s boat in the river, say that they’re staring at the birds or they turn around to say hello to somebody and they miss that message. I’m saying this to you as, as well as kind of saying it to myself at the same time. You cannot promote yourself too many times. Because for every 10 messages you put out there, your audience might see two or three of them. They might see five and that’s it. So the more boats you can drop in that river, the more little messages you can pepper here and there. And this is what I have and this is what I’m doing. The greater the chance is that you can have their attention and that they can see what you’re offering, because without a level of awareness and the command of even a second of their attention, your promotions and your messages will fall on deaf ears because you are not doing it enough. So if you are to the point, you feel like you’ve shouted this from the rooftops 100,000 times, go do it 100,000 more because I promise you for every 10 or 20 times, you’ve said this thing, your audience has heard three of them.

Strategy number five, utilize multichannel. So when I say multichannel or we talk about multichannel marketing, I’m talking about utilizing multiple assets. So I’m talking about utilizing multiple channels. So engaging with Facebook, maybe you have many chat, maybe you have DMS, maybe you have Instagram, maybe you have a Slack group. Maybe you have Facebook groups. Maybe you have a networking group. You can do email marketing, you can do text message marketing. You can purchase ads, you can buy billboards, you can do Youtube ads, you can do Hulu ads, you can do LinkedIn ads. You can do TikTok ads, utilize all of these places and these multi channels so that you can be seen in a variety of places and ways so that your potential customers have an awareness of who you are, what you’re offering and how it can benefit them.

The last strategy is literally just go and do it. Even if all you think that you can do right now is send out a single email. Trust me, it’s better than nothing. If you can do the multichannel and put stuff out there to every medium and run ads and do SMS and do email and all of it, amazing. Do it, go do it right now. So to wrap it up, pick an existing product or offer, choose the type of promotion you wanna run. Stick to that promotion. Make sure they know you mean business, shout it from the rooftops, utilize multi channels and just go do the thing. I’m gonna be off and let you go and I’m gonna go take my own advice. Go make some money. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Black Friday. God bless you.

Have a great week. I’ll see you in the next episode.

Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of the Momentum Marketing podcast. If listening to this has brought you value, improved your life or given you insight on how you can build your own momentum, then please share this with a friend. And if you’re ready to grow your business on autopilot, then I want to help you get there easier and faster with a free copy of my entrepreneur’s survival kit. Just leave a review of this podcast wherever you’re listening right now. Hopefully, it’s a five star review and you love it, then screenshot the review and email the screenshot to hello@jilliankendrick.com Once we confirm the review, we’ll send you a copy of the survival kit totally free. Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you on the next episode. All content is written and recorded by Jillian Kendrick Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #41
Topic: Last-Minute Black Friday Promo
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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