Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 35 #1 Way to scale your business

Podcast Transcript:

This is the number one way to scale your business right now.

Hey there. I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author. In each episode you’ll get real world, practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hey, there and welcome back to another episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast.

As always, I am your host, Jillian Kendrick and I am so glad that you’re here with me today. We are talking about the number one way to scale a business. If you don’t know by now, I have a coaching side of my business where I have online courses, but I also have a digital marketing agency. We’ve done multiple six figures almost every single year in my business for gosh, what, 13 years now? It’s kind of iffy when I talk about numbers and stuff because the way that I look at it, if you don’t know my history. I’ll give you a little bit of background on my journey as an entrepreneur. I started out just doing rando tasks on Lance or Upwork or Odesk, whatever it was called or is called. Now, I think it was called Odesk. Now it’s called Upwork. Yeah. And I was just kind of doing rando tasks and taking whatever I could to, like, make money and get experience. And then that turned into working for somebody who did marketing and sold digital courses. And then that turned into learning about marketing automation. And then that turned into me officially going from being working as a virtual assistant to then having an LLC establishing myself as a business and as an expert in my industry and then creating my agency. So I spent some years after I created my business where I was doing all the implementing and doing all the things. And then I slowly grew a team and now my team implements all of that stuff. I really haven’t done a whole lot of client work probably in the last four or five years. I do on occasion jump in or I’ll try to like, support my team as much as I can give them ideas. It’s a hard balance, isn’t it when you’re trying to support your team and help them grow and teach them. But then you also don’t want to, like, be breathing down their neck. I don’t want to micromanage people. I want to trust them that they can go out and do amazing things on their own or if there’s something that they don’t know how to do Google it. Right?

Anyhow, having gone through that entire journey from starting on Odesk with absolutely no skills like you guys, I literally have an arts degree and nothing. Not, nothing. I mean, singing opera is certainly not nothing but it’s not exactly a tangible skill that you can take into a job interview, right? But I started out doing as much as I could, gaining as much experience and knowledge as I could. That turned into me being a virtual assistant that turned into me owning my own business that turned into me hiring a team, delegating things out, not touching the client work and growing my coaching and marketing side. So all of that to say the number one thing that has helped me grow and scale the agency side of my business where I have a team and team members and you know, I need to support them and help them grow and help them learn. And the number one thing that has helped me do that is what I refer to as the PB and J method.

So we’re going to get into this the PB and J method and I’m talking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Tell me in the comments if you are a strawberry jelly or a grape jelly person. If you’re grape jelly, we can’t be friends. I’m totally kidding of course. But if you’re some kind of weird like gooseberry jam or something, then we can’t be friends. But strawberry, grape, I might even slide, like peach, or something. I don’t know. But tell me what your favorite jam is in the comments.

So the PB and J method goes like this. I teach this to my students. I teach this to my team and it truly is the number one thing that has helped me grow and scale my business on the agency side. The exercise is this: how do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? When you go through this exercise, I want you to think granular. But I also want you to think of if I was teaching this to somebody who knew nothing, they didn’t know what peanut butter was. They didn’t know what a sandwich was. They didn’t know what jelly was. They didn’t know any of that stuff. How would I actually teach them to create this sandwich? And that’s how you, as the business owner, or as the manager, needs to think about the way that you train your team and your staff.

So if we were to create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the super easy, fast, quick and dirty way of creating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is: well, you grab two pieces of bread and you put some peanut butter on one slice of the bread and then you put some jelly on the other slice of the bread. You put those two pieces together and you have a peanut butter sandwich, but that’s not all that it takes, right? Like think about it like this. How do you get the bread? What do you put the bread on? We need to grab a plate, we need to grab a knife. We need to maybe grab one of those rubber jar opener thingies. I have a really hard time opening jars, anybody else? So creating the sandwich isn’t even the first step to creating the sandwich, right? You have to have a plate to put the sandwich on. You have to have all of the ingredients because you can’t put ingredients onto a sandwich or put ingredients in a recipe when you don’t have those ingredients in front of you. So step one, get a plate, step two, get all of your ingredients and put them on a table or the countertop wherever you’re making that sandwich. Then step three is to grab two slices of bread. I mean you could even get granular to that. Let’s say we’re using wonder bread. You need to grab the bag of bread where the bag ends and you need to undo the twist tie to relieve the opening of the bag, right? You could even get like that specific and that granular you could even say nobody really likes the end of the bread, right? If you’re like me, I either use that piece as, like, French toast, or bread crumbs, or sometimes if it’s really thin and kind of gross, I just throw it away. I don’t like wasting food, but sometimes those pieces are just kind of gross and useless.

So you want to grab two nice middle slices, you want those slices to be about equal in size. And ideally you want those two slices to be two of the slices that are actually together with it, the loaf or that are touching each other. So that when you put your peanut butter and your jelly on each side, then they come together really nicely, right? So you could get that granular with the instructions that you give. And I hope you understand the metaphor by now, right? Like we’re not talking about actually creating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

We’re talking about when you go to delegate things to your team, when you are creating processes, procedures, training road maps. Even if you a digital course creator, even if you’re a fractional CMO or CFO. This is a great way to think in terms of, OK, if I have to teach something to somebody, I want to teach it in such a way that anyone with any skill set, who knows nothing about the internet or about marketing or about whatever I’m going to teach. My instructions should be so good that they can take the instructions that I’m about to give. And anyone with any skill set and any level of knowledge, could go through my instructions and complete it perfectly. That’s the idea. That’s what it takes to create systems inside of your business.

Back to our peanut butter and jelly metaphor. Then once you have your two slices of bread, you want to open the two pieces of bread that we’re touching each other, you want to open it in such a way, kind of like a book that the two sides that we’re touching are now face up the plate. Then grab your knife. Or backtrack. Let’s make sure that we have a plate and we have a knife and we have the ingredients that we need. Now grab your knife and we need to, like, open the jar of peanut butter, right? Are you a crunchy or creamy person? Let me know down in the comments. I’m creamy all day. I like creamy peanut butter. I like no fuss. No frills when it comes to my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. So I’m team creamy. That sounds like a euphemism. Oh gosh. Or maybe if you’re a germaphobe where you don’t like your peanut butter and your jelly touching each other on, like, the same knife. Maybe you want to get two knives. Maybe that’s part of the instruction. Maybe wiping the knife in between sticking it in the peanut butter and smearing it on and then sticking it in the jelly and smearing it on. Maybe you want to, like, wipe the knife or clean the knife or use a paper towel or, you know, something like that, that you could include in your instructions. So I’m not going to keep going on and on about the peanut butter and jelly method. I think you get the idea. You get the analogy. I won’t keep going on.

But I will say that you can get access to my entire recording of my full training on the PB and J method as part of my digital swag bag. So a couple of years ago, a good friend of mine hosted a digital summit and she loves my PB and J methodology. And she asked that I do a training specifically on my PB and J method. So I did the training. It was part of her digital Summit. It was really, really great and I want to actually give you the training totally free. You can get access to that inside of the digital swag bag. But the only way to get the digital swag bag is you have to sign up for my list building momentum master class and you have to watch the whole way to the end. Like at the very, very last second, I give you the URL of where you can go to get the digital swag bag. And then inside of that is not only going to be the PB and J method, but like six or seven other really, really great resources that you can use to grow your online digital business. But the only way to get that digital swag bag and the only way to get the training for the PB and J methodology is to watch the master class, to watch the master class you can go to jilliankendrick.com/masterclass opt in and watch the entire way through. It’s not going to take your whole day. I think the total time of the training is like 38 or 39 minutes, something like that. So it’s not gonna take up a ton of your time. And at the very, very last second, I reveal what the URL is to go and opt in for the digital swag bag. So as long as you watch the training the entire way through, you will get a free copy of the digital swag bag that includes the PB and J methodology training and you can opt in for all of that at jilliankendrick.com/masterclass.

Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. If listening to this has brought you value, improved your life, or given you insight on how you can build your own momentum, then please share this with a friend. And if you’re ready to grow your business on autopilot, then I want to help you get there easier and faster with a free copy of my Entrepreneur Survival Kit. Just leave a review of this podcast wherever you’re listening right now. Hopefully it’s a five star review and you love it. Then screenshot the review and email the screenshot to hello@jilliankendrick.com. Once we confirm the review, we’ll send you a copy of the survival kit totally free. Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you on the next episode. All content is written and recorded by Jillian Kendrick. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: # 35
Topic: #1 Way to scale your business
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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