Ditching Marketing
2020 has been rough on everyone, especially small business owners like yourself. There’s no end to the stories of people losing their jobs, closing down temporarily, or shutting their doors for good.
With states beginning to open back up, there’s a bit of light at the end of our quarantine tunnel. But so many people are still skeptical.
I get it. You’ve been hurt. Maybe you lost business, maybe you’re thinking about giving up and getting a “real job”. I’ve been there more times than I’d like to admit.
But our skepticism and fears only inhibit what’s possible.
I had a client tell me the other day that they needed to pull back on their marketing efforts because business was slowing down due to Covid-19. If your business is slowing down that doesn’t mean you should too.
In fact, stopping your marketing efforts now is like cutting off the water supply to your house because you want to conserve water.
There’s definitely a need to be conservative, to make good decisions, to methodically and strategically put your efforts and energy into plans that will make you money during these times. But we don’t cut off the body to save the arm. Quite the opposite.
Now isn’t the time to stop. You don’t have to spend money you might not have, but good communication and good marketing is needed now more than ever.
If you’d like to setup a time with one of our strategy coaches to talk about what you’re going through in your business, and put a plan together, click below!