Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

COVID-19 and Your Business

COVID-19 and Your Business


Most of us have been in lockdown since March and a lot of people are either tired of being cooped up, fearful of the unknown future, or are demanding answers in a big way.

I know this pandemic has affected your business. I see it every day from the Facebook posts of people asking what to do about losing clients, to everyday folks losing jobs and trying to pick up the pieces with new opportunities. It’s hit home for everyone, and small business is no exception.

The last thing you want to hear is either another sad story about a business going under, or another pep talk about how it will all be okay. We’re ready for real answers and real action.

I get it and I’m with you!

So many of you are recognizing that the things you’ve been putting off in your business are now a necessity.

Whether it’s automating more, finishing a funnel you’ve started and stopped 10 times, starting that lifestyle blog, raising prices to match what you deserve to get paid, taking your in-person meetings online, taking your in-person events online, or starting that membership site.

I want you to know my team and I are here for you, just ask!

Click below and let me know one thing that you’ve been putting off that you now realize is an absolute necessity in your business.

I’ve got a lot going on over here in the Informed Marketing Solutions world that I’ll be launching shortly and I’d love to know how we can serve you better.

If there’s something you need and I can help you or reply back with a quick answer or word of encouragement, I’d love to hear what you’re up to.

Click below and let’s start the conversation.

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How I Add 600+ New Email Subscribers to My List Every Month

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How I Add 600+ New Email Subscribers to My List Every Month

Uncover the 3 Secrets to building a profitable email list with ease.