Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Ep. 51 Goal Setting 2024

If you started off 2024 setting goals or resolutions and maybe you’re still in the process of keeping those up or maybe you’ve already fallen flat like some of us, you’re gonna wanna listen to this episode because we are talking about how to prioritize and achieve your goals.

Hey, there, I’m Jillian Kendrick and welcome to the Momentum Marketing Podcast. I’m a mama, a wife, an entrepreneur and a three time best selling co-author. In each episode you’ll get real world, practical advice and strategies and maybe a parenting tip or two along the way. If you’re ready to create a business that supports your family and your lifestyle, then you’re in the right place.

Hey friend, I’m really glad that you’re here with me today, man. I just, I have to say like running a business is hard. It’s freaking hard. Being a human is hard, things get thrown at you and being a parent is hard, running a business is hard, starting a business is hard, growing a business is hard, scaling a business is hard, keeping a thriving business running is hard, man,  like just, it’s all hard.

So I just want to acknowledge you for being here with me for taking precious special important minutes out of your day to listen, to acknowledge that you know that there’s more out there for you and to be open and willing to receiving new information. The older I get and the more stuck in my ways that I want to be, I have to constantly remind myself that growth is learning and learning is hard. If I get stuck in my own mind, stuck in my own ways or stuck in my own habits, that doesn’t equal learning and no learning equals no growth. So I just wanna acknowledge you for being here for working on yourself on your business, because as we know those two things are deeply tied together and what we’re gonna talk about today is strategies for achieving your goals. 

Before we get into that let me just remind you again, it is the end of January 2024. And if you haven’t done it already, there’s just a couple more days for you to complete the email authentication and compliance steps that are necessary for you to continue to send email marketing now and in the future. You really only have a matter of days or even hours to get that done. If you were listening to this past February 1st of 2024 then no problem. You can still follow the steps. You can still get authenticated, you can still make sure that you don’t end up in Google jail, because if your business relies at all on sending emails, which let’s just be honest in a modern day, everybody’s business relies on sending emails. Then you have to go through the compliance steps and you have to be authenticated. Like, this is not a ‘nice to have’ this is not a ‘would be great if’. You must have this or Google and Yahoo will block your emails from coming into their servers and ever getting to any of their users. Microsoft is following and let me tell you this, I don’t know what the future holds. I don’t have a green orb to look into, but I do believe and with the trends that I’ve been seeing in the last several months with SMS compliance, email compliance, states and countries getting harsher on their data laws. I do believe that if these compliance steps don’t solve the two plus billion email a day spam issue that Google Microsoft and Yahoo experience every single day, then these rules are going to get harsher. The compliance steps are going to get harder. And I’m telling you now not to freak you out, not to scare you but to sound the alarm and say this is important. If you are a brewery in Budapest, if you’re a clothing designer in Dallas, if you’re a jump rope maker from Japan, it literally does not matter, every single business on the planet needs to go through these authentication and compliance steps, period. So get it done now, go to www.automatedmama.com/authentication and grab your copy of Inbox Success today.

And like I said, if you are listening to this past February 1st of 2024 if you have no idea what email compliance even is, not only am I going to walk you through all of the steps and make it really, really simple for you, but just because you haven’t done it yet or just because you’re a brand new business setting all of this up for yourself, you haven’t lost out. There’s still an opportunity, go do it now before you end up in Google jail.

Back to the topic at hand, today, we are talking about goal prioritization and I’m gonna admit right off the bat that what I’m going to teach you, I did not come up with. Somebody, I was trying to figure out who came up with this or where it originated, and honestly, it’s just kind of one of those things known in like the marketing and business world at this point that I genuinely couldn’t hunt down who came up with this or where it originated. But it’s absolutely brilliant and we need to talk about it.

So every single goal that you set for yourself needs to be SMART and SMART is an acronym SMART. That means every goal needs to be S: specific, M: measurable, A: attainable, R: realistic and T: time bound. We’re gonna take a few minutes for each of these, talk about them, what does that mean and how it applies to you.

So your smart goal starting out need to be specific. I cannot tell you how many masterminds I have been to over the years with like business colleagues and professional groups that I’m in where a person would walk in and we would specifically say in the mastermind or in the group or in the session, we would say, ok, if you’re gonna ask a question, make sure that it is as specific as possible because the more specific your question can be, the better we can help you. But if you ask a really general like “how do I make money?”, “How do I make a million dollars?” Y’all? I cannot even tell you how many people have walked into a mastermind and asked, “how do I make a million dollars?”

Oh, anyway, the more specific that you can be in asking your mastermind questions, the better that experts like myself and coaches like myself can help you achieve those goals. So when it comes to setting our goals being as specific as possible. So what is it that you want to achieve? It shouldn’t be, I wanna lose weight, it should be, well, I wanna decrease my body fat by 3% or I wanna lose 10 pounds or? Right? Like as specific as you can possibly be that is how you set a goal. Me setting a goal of, OK, I wanna make $2 million this year. That’s a great goal. I know how to achieve that goal, but it’s not quite specific enough. Whereas if I say, OK, here are the five products that I offer. Here’s the coaching package, here’s the Mastermind offer. Here are my courses and programs and between these five things, I wanna make this much money from this one, this much money from this one, this much money from that one, et cetera to total $2 million. Then that’s specific, right? Because then I’ve broken down, here’s how much money I want to make from each of these products. And then I can go and achieve that, right? Because I can take the price of the program, the product or the coaching package. And I can divide that by the amount of money that I want to make from it. I can say, ok, I need to sell 10 mastermind spots. I need to sell, you know, 20 of this program, 10 of that program and 21 on-on-one coaching sessions. And then I’ve made my money. I’m just making up numbers here, but I think you get the idea. So when you set a goal, no matter what it is, be as specific as possible.

The second one M, make sure that it is measurable, so measurable, it kind of ties into specific. If your goal is not measurable, if you can’t figure out a way to determine whether you’ve been successful in achieving that goal or not, then it’s not a good goal. Again, you wanna lose weight. Well, we need to say how much weight or we need to say a percentage of body fat or we need to say a total number of pounds or something like that. The same thing with other goals, make sure your goals are measurable and you can track whether or not you have become successful in achieving that goal.

The next part of smart is A: attainable. So is it possible for you to work towards achieving this goal where there will be challenges, there will be, maybe some pivots or things that you need to change or do in order to achieve the goal? Sure, nothing is achievable without some kind of pain, sacrifice or hard work. We know that, but it should be attainable. So if I’m a couch potato and I say, well, I want to climb Mount Everest and I know that’s such like a cliched example, but let’s go there. I’m a couch potato and I say I have never rock climbed in my life. I couldn’t walk a mile without getting winded, but I wanna climb Mount Everest. Well, sure, that’s very measurable. Very specific. But is it attainable at the state that I am right now. Maybe but no, not really.

Whereas if I say, OK, my ultimate goal is I want to climb Mount Everest. But in order to do that, I need to learn how to rock climb, I need to learn how to use ropes and get all of the equipment and the things I need to get in shape. I need to do XYZ. Then once you can break down whatever that next step is, whatever that looks like for you, then you can set attainable goals to work towards an even bigger goal. Does that make sense? The fourth letter in smart is, are realistic, again, attainable, realistic, a little bit of the same thing, but be honest with yourself, you know who you are, you know, your limitations, you know what your team is capable of, you know, what you are capable of. And are you setting goals that are realistic for you, that you can actually achieve? Or is there a team member? Is there a skill? Is there a piece of software? Is there a training? Is there a something that you need to bring in? Either you learn it, a team member learns it, something that you need to do to make your goal more realistic. If your goal is to get 1000 leads in one month from Facebook ads, and you don’t know how to run Facebook ads, that might not be a realistic goal. It’s specific, 1000 people, it’s measurable within a month. It’s attainable. Certainly, people have done it before. It’s not a crazy wild goal. But is it realistic for you to bring in that many leads through Facebook ads when you’ve never run a Facebook ad before? So maybe you need to hire a Facebook ad agency. Maybe you need to hire an expert in Facebook ads. Maybe you need to take a training course on running Facebook ads. You don’t have to set realistic goals, based solely on the team skills and resources that you have right now. You can make your goals realistic by resourcing or outsourcing the pieces, people or knowledge that you need in order to achieve that goal. So whatever those hurdles, whatever that looks like for you, you can decide from there.

And the last one is T: Time Bound. Give yourself a deadline. Same example if we said I wanna get 1000 leads from Facebook ads in a month. Well, a month is a good specific measure, but that’s not necessarily time bound. Time bound is setting a deadline for yourself. So you can say, ok, I want to achieve this thing and I wanna get 1000 leads from Facebook ads a month. But does it have to be this month? Does it have to be that I need to do this by February? What if you gave yourself two or three months or maybe even four to practice and tweak and work on the thing and get the algorithm humming. And then after the second or third or fourth month, then you achieve the goal. Isn’t that better than saying, I want to get 1000 leads through Facebook ads this month, go. Especially if it’s not realistic, especially if you don’t have the right resources, it’s not attainable then right, if you don’t have the correct resources to put in place. So give yourself a deadline, but make sure that it’s a realistic deadline, make sure that it’s something that you can achieve if you’re like me and you wanna push up your deadline a little bit to kind of push yourself, do it. But maybe you have a secondary deadline, maybe you have a it would be nice if this thing was done in two months, but I won’t be disappointed or consider it a failure if it gets done in four months. 

So that’s the lesson for today. All of your goals need to be smart, specific measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. And whether you apply this lesson to a New Year’s resolution or to your future goals, go out there and achieve something great.

Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of the Momentum Marketing Podcast. If listening to this has brought you value, improved your life or given you insight on how you can build your own momentum, then please share this with a friend. And if you’re ready to grow your business on autopilot, then I want to help you get there easier and faster with a free copy of my entrepreneur’s survival kit. Just leave a review of this podcast wherever you’re listening right now. Hopefully, it’s a five star review and you love it, then screenshot the review and email the screenshot to hello@jilliankendrick.com Once we confirm the review, we’ll send you a copy of the survival kit totally free. Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you on the next episode. All content is written and recorded by Jillian Kendrick Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

The Momentum Marketing Podcast
By Jillian Kendrick
Episode: #51
Topic: Goal Setting 2024
Contact: hello@jilliankendrick.com
Follow IG: instagram.com/automatedmama

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How I Add 600+ New Email Subscribers to My List Every Month

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