Jillian Kendrick

No Competition Mama ft. Lindsey Ardmore


5 Business Beginner Basics

Are you doing whatever it takes?

Are you doing whatever it takes?


I do my best to learn a lesson whenever the opportunity comes up. Sometimes it’s a literal lesson of what to do. But sometimes it’s a lesson of what not to do, how not to act, what not to say. And I often find that the not-to lessons are more impactful.

One such lesson came from a former classmate ranting on social media about the “hoops” she had to jump through for a job interview. That “hoop” was simply to make a video of yourself and submit it along with your resume. Not that hard, but she felt it was beneath her.

Needless to say she didn’t get the job, simply because she didn’t make the video and didn’t submit it. She let her ego get in the way of a great career opportunity in a time when jobs were scarce.

For me, her actions reinforced the lesson that no job is below me, no task is too small, there’s nothing in my business that I shouldn’t be willing to step in and do for anyone– my team or a client.

It’s so easy to get into the daily grind of your business and not want to do this or feel like doing that. I get it! It’s so easy to slip into that mindset.

That’s why I’m creating my 5-Day Automation Challenge! Because there’s always an opportunity to either start that thing you’ve been putting off or look back at something you’ve already done and ask, could I do that better?.

Stay tuned for details about the Challenge coming up in the next few weeks!

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How I Add 600+ New Email Subscribers to My List Every Month

Uncover the 3 Secrets to building a profitable email list with ease.